Environment and sustainability

Responsibility at Advania

At Advania, responsibility is tied to our company's targets of building a sense of community and a more responsible future with the help of sustainability.

Our responsibility is based on our own ethical operating principles, the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and on sustainability targets, which relate to human rights, working life, the environment and actions against corruption.

Our duty is to act as example in questions of responsibility. We are involved in long-term collaboration with our suppliers and sub-contractors, and we are a member of the Responsible Business Alliance, which supports the rights and well-being of employees and communities belonging to the sphere of influence of a electronics' worldwide or global supply chains.

Regarding our own activities, adhering to ethical operating methods, equality and promotion of a diverse work culture are important to us as well as ensuring the well-being of our employees and of personnel or staff working for us.

Advania Group Sustainability Report 2023
Environment and sustainability

Sustainability report

The sustainability concept has been created on the basis of the company's most important financial, social and environmental sectors.

Read more about our company responsibility targets and results in our reports published annually.